resources & deployment §
intro §
Big 3 categories of software:
Analysis code — running Python code once on some data to get results
Application — continuously running the code, like a website
Systems — how to manage resources such as storage space
Systems resources:
compute -> CPU, GPU
CPUs can each have multiple cores, which can be independently executing “core code” (machine code)
More cores means that more tasks can be run simultaneously
High level code -> compiled to bytecode -> ran by a VM -> VM is running on a core
GPU has many cores that are coordinated and slow because they have to run together
Cost measurement: FLOPS (floating-point operations per second)
mem -> RAM
RAM stores bits
Small, volatile (lost upon reboot) and fast
storage -> HDD, SSD
Data read/written in blocks of many bytes/blocks
Large, nonvolatile, slow
How fast can be read/write data? This is measured in throughput
network -> NIC (network interface card)
Data access speed can be based on network topology — which servers are physically closest
How do we efficiently utilize the four above resources?
Scale UP: get more mem/compute power
Scale OUT: cluster machines (expensive)
deployment §
(linux) §
where something is installed / located
shebang line tells you what interpreter should run the code
pipe character chains output from one program to the input of another program
programs don’t wait for the previous one to conclude, they use streams
redirects input/output
&> out.txt
sends stdout and stderr to out.txt
just sends stderr somewhere
sends program to the background to run asynchronously
word count produces lines words chars
finds all files wrt current dir
append to a file instead of overwriting it with >
lists running processes
kill [id]
kills a process by id
pkill [name]
kills a process by name
memory usage
df -h
storage usage
list open files, shows every file that every program has open
-i tcp
shows which programs are running using tcp
(docker) §
Virtualization is the idea that processes are given private resources such as memory or hardware
One example is virtual address spaces which are chunks of memory in a larger block of memory, another example is a VM
Docker is a way of creating lightweight virtual operating systems, which are called containers
The purpose of containers / VMs are to create sandboxes which can run code in an isolated environment
For example, running malicious code in a sandbox will not affect anything outside of the sandbox
Docker image : a snapshot of a container
Containers can be created on your VM from an image
Dockerfiles set up environments
Dockerfiles will cache intermediate progress, so it’s good practice to put stuff that’s stable at the top, and stuff that’s constantly changing near the bottom of the Dockerfile
Use docker run -it IMAGE_NAME bash
to get an interactive terminal to run inside a docker container
Use docker run IMAGE_NAME sh -c "COMMAND"
to run a command inside an image without going into the image
Useful troubleshooting commands: logs
, exec
, stats
, kill
Each container has its own set of ports
If we have two containers, lo
and ens0
, then there is a port 80 for each of them
We can manually map ports from the laptop to a virtual machine, which would allow the user to specify which port 80 they want to use
Docker orchestration is for deploying many containers (cluster) that are cooperating, ie: Kubernetes or ßDocker compose
Create a file named docker-compose.yml
to get started
example docker compose file services :
jupyter :
image : myimg
deploy :
replicas : 3
# TODO: other processes
memory resources §
(caching) §
There is latency when loading data from RAM into CPU, the solution to this is the cache “hot” data
Caching is a resource tradeoff — if I cache a file, I avoid rereading from storage, but I’m using up memory
What do we cache? Data/webpages that we need to access repeatedly
When do we cache? The first time we read something, it is added to the cache
When do we remove (evict) from the cache? Depends, there are several policies
Why do we evict? Limited cache space
Random: remove cache entry at random
FIFO (first in, first out): remove whatever has been in the cache the longest
LRU (least recently used): remove the cache item that was accessed the longest ago
FIFO and LRU are bad when you need to keep scanning the same data repeatedly because you can have a situation where you evict the values that you need next
Cache size = 4, Data = [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5], then the hit rate is 0%
Avg latency = (hit% * hit latency) + (miss% + miss latency)
compute resources §
(pytorch numbers) §
Specify exactly how many bits are used for the numbers we’re working with (uint8, float32, etc)
Tradeoffs: precision, range, memory
Numbers in PyTorch are called “tensors”
Ints will overflow/underflow, floats will return as inf or nan
Sigmoid function maps to 0 or 1
A PyTorch model (torch.nn.Linear
) is like a function, it can be called on tensor data
Callable objects in Python
Use the __call__
function to define what happens if that object is used as a function
class Mult :
def __init__ (self, factor):
self .factor = factor
def __call__ (self, number):
return number * self .factor
double = Mult( 2 )
double( 10 ) # prints 20
triple = Mult( 3 )
triple( 5 ) # prints 15
(pytorch optimization) §
Gradient is the slope at a particular location (in a function)
Stochastic gradient descent: optimization using slopes
x = torch.tensor( 0.0 , requires_grad = True ) # init at x = 0.0
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([x], lr = 0.01 ) # optimize x values with learning rate 0.01
for epoch in range ( 5 ):
y = f(x) # apply f to get new y value
y.backward() # figuring out gradient wrt y -> y/x
optimizer.step() # makes a change to variables based on gradient and learning rate
optimizer.zero_grad() # resets gradient to 0 because `.step()` adds to the current gradient value
Learning rate is hard to optimize — too big and you will miss the target, too small and it will take too long to solve
(pytorch ml) §
Random split
Randomly split into train, validation, and test data sets
Why might a model score worse on test data than on validation data? Because we chose the model that fits the best to the validation set.
Deep learning uses models that are deeply nested functions
y = model ( x ) = L N ( R ( L N − 1 ( R ( ⋯ ( L 1 ( x ))))))
Each L k ( x ) stands for a model represented by L k ( x ) = x W + b while R stands for a function like sigmoid or ReLU
PyTorch helps us track computations through DAGs
Loss (Mean Squared Error) depends on a lot of things, so loss is what we try to optimize
Stochastic gradient descent is doing gradient descent in shuffled batches so that we can minimize issues with not enough RAM
The df.pivot
function can reformat tables!
To use PyTorch for ML, we want to have a DataSet (ds) and a DataLoader (dl)
The DataSet is a clean, raw representation of the data that we are using
The DataLoader basically helps enumerate and access the DataSet
Can help with creating batches and shuffling
basic training loop model = torch.nn.Linear( 1 , 1 )
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([model.weight, model.bias], lr = 0.00001 )
loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss()
for epoch in range ( 50 ):
for batchx, batchy in dl:
predictedy = model(batchx)
loss = loss_fn(batchy, predictedy)
loss.backward() # update weight.grad and bias.grad
optimizer.step() # update weight and bias based on gradients
optimizer.zero_grad() # weight.grad = 0 and bias.grad = 0
# how well are we doing?
x, y = ds[:]
print (epoch, loss_fn(y, model(x)))
(threads) §
Simple Python programs use at most ONE core so speed is capped by how much work one core can do
A process is a running program which has its own virtual address space (VAS)
The process cannot directly access physical memory
A VAS can have holes
A CPU core can be pointed at one instruction in the code at any time
Each core has its own cache
Threads have their own instruction pointers and stacks, but share the heap
Single-threaded processes have one pointer, multi-threaded processes have multiple pointers
Context switch: switching between threads — doing it too much is slow
Race conditions: when two threads both access a shared variable and problems occur
(locks) §
Two threads can be interleaved and executed in a way that causes information to be lost
Modifying global variables and loading/storing simultaneously
We want atomicity — if it happens, then it happens together (otherwise not at all)
A lock (threading.Lock()
) is held by only one thread at a time and protects critical sections from being inturrupted
Putting locks in the wrong places can still cause errors so the importantthing is to be careful / generous with where you’re putting locks
Locking and releasing is also an expensive operation!
If an exception occurs before the lock is released, then the code will never execute because the lock is still active
network resources §
(RPC) §
Every Network Interface Controller (NIC) has their own unique Media Access Control (MAC) address
Some devices randomly change or mask their MAC addresses for privacy (there are some good papers on this)
Computers can only send messages to other computers which are on the same network
An internet is just a group of networks; the Internet is the global one…?
A packet is a group of bytes that has an IP address which is its destination location
Private networks allow for duplicate IPv4 addresses
Network Address Translation (NAT) boxes can help you forward public IP addresses into private IP addresses in a network
Different port numbers on the same IP address can be running different servers
There are two main transport protocols:
TCP: reliable - will guarantee that the message is sent in the original order and will try to resend lost packets
UDP: unreliable - doesn’t do extra work, just sends the packet
HTTP methods: POST (create new), PUT (update), GET (fetch), DELETE for dealing with HTTP messages
RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call — calling a function remotely
gRPC, which helps with calling functions on a server, is built on top of HTTP
With RPCs, the code can be in different languages, so there needs to be a universal representation for types
Serialize (encode) and deserialize (decode) the types using a table — this is called protobufs
What do we have to take into consideration? Types, byte order, encoding length
Make a .proto
file to define messages that are being sent between two computers, then run gRPC on it to create classes
The classes are automatically generated in the specified language
The messages are basically objects that you can create
Example proto file for multiplying two numbers together syntax = "proto3" ;
service Calc {
rpc Mult ( MultReq ) returns ( MultResp )
message MultReq {
int32 x = 1;
int32 y = 2;
message MultResp {
int32 result = 1 ;
To call a function, you have to define an RPC in the format rpc NAME(ARGUMENTS), returns (RETURN VALUE);
as a part of a service inside the .proto
storage resources §
(file systems) §
Block devices are long term storage devices that are accessed in units of blocks
Caching is for storing data that might be accessed later, buffers mostly pertain to minimizing function calls for the same data, storing one large block/page of data when lines are being read one at a time
Small reads (<4KB):
No good way to read only one column without also reading everything else
The whole block has to be accessed to get a small portion of data
Hard disk drives (HDDs):
Steps to transfer data:
Move pointer to correct track
Wait for disk to rotate until data is under head
Transfer data
For transferring small amounts of data, then the first two steps will dominate the processing time
Solution: assign sequential block numbers for HDDs
Solid state drives (SSDs):
No moving parts and can read data in parallel
Blocks and pages are used in different context than HDDs
Erase content in blocks, write content in pages, but can’t rewrite to individual pages
To rewrite content, SSDs just put it somewhere else and it needs to be tracked
Block devices can be divided into partitions
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) controllers can make multiple devices look like one device
Local file systems can track files by segmenting them into blocks and tracking which blocks are relevant to the file — this is called an inode structure
Directories contain inode mappings and names of files
Each drive has its own file system “tree”
Files store sequenes of bytes, but how do we organize the bytes in a useful format?
CSVs are row oriented
Parquets are column oriented
Choosing a file format depends on how we want to access the data
Transactions processing: reading or writing rows as needed
Analytics processing: computation over many rows to get specific columns
Parquets are much faster and the preferred data type for analytics processing!
Protobufs are the best way to get the smallest amount of bytes used for a piece of data
Compression is the idea of avoiding repetition in datasets
Parquets use snappy compression which prioritizes high speed over maximum compression
Schema is the structure of the dataset, like the types and field names
Databases have a bunch of tables which a user can query to get specific data back
SQL is the most popular querying language
Large DBs are usually only fast at either transactions or analytics, but not both
DB types: online transactions processing (OLTP) typically row oriented, online analytics processing (OLAP) typically column oriented
Extract-transform-load (ETL) is the process of transferring data from OLTPs into OLAPs
clusters and hadoop ecosystem §
further reading §
Linear Algebra and Learning From Data by Gilbert Strang
Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn